Financial Literacy having the education and understanding of topics such as, for example, investing, earn money, and managing personal finance. Why Financial Literacy Is Important because the more financially literate you are, the better decisions you will make with your finances.
First, start by saying that financial literacy is easily one of the most crucial things for adulting and I feel like a lot of the stuff that I learned in high school that I thought never will actually ever use in my life and so I'm just kind of baffled. Unfortunately, this kind of education is not taught in schools, so you need to do it by yourself and in my school system we didn't receive any type of like personal finance courses and I felt like it's a setup for us to fail but that's my spill.
If you actually can take you to know
educational courses around financial or literacy, you know personal finance
consider yourself lucky because you know statistics show few people didn’t
receive that type of education and it's like unless you know you're in a
household, where your parents themselves are financially literate then your
kind of like outback and like life has to teach you about it. Learn hard
lessons to arrive at financial literacy.
Financial Literacy, is the ability to understand and effectively apply various financial skills, including but not limited to personal financial management, budgeting, savings and investing. Financial literacy is essential to understanding and developing good short-term and long-term financial habits that lead to greater financial well-being. As an example, sometimes as consumers, we are unaware of the financial consequences of taking on too much personal debt and having little to no savings. Also, the lack of disposable income also creates the inability to deal with unexpected emergencies that may arise or receive proper financial counseling.
If you’re
looking for improvement in your personal and financial life, you might be
looking for financial freedom and financial independence. It means that you
want to reach a point in your life where you no longer have to depend on
family, a job, or a company that you don’t like, for money.
The more financially literate you, are the better decisions
you will make with your finances. So the more money you'll have and the more
effective you'll be with your money, you could have the best-paying job in the
world and still be broke. Just because you make more money doesn't make you
better at managing it you could also have a low-paying job but still build
wealth because you have good money management skills without financial literacy
money gets wasted so that means working more wasting more time and building less
Don't you want to afford the better things in life without getting yourself into debt traveling, buying a home, having children, your dream sports car? Are you going to have enough money when you retire? Being more financially illiterate helps you get closer to your financial goals. Are you able to cover emergency funds when you know how to manage your money? An emergency expense can be stress-free.
Trends Making Financial Literacy More Important
Compounding the problems associated with financial
illiteracy, financial decision-making is also getting more onerous for
consumers. Four trends converge that show that why financial literacy is important? and also the importance of making thoughtful
and informed decisions about finances.
1. Some Groups May Be Falling Behind
2. Consumers Are Shouldering More Financial Decisions
3. Savings and Investment Options Are More Complex
4. The Financial Environment Is Changing
The 4 Rules Of Being Financially Literate
Even if everything is at their fingertips, over 90% of the
population is still financially ignorant. Let me give you a quick example:
Peter just got his monthly paycheck. After-tax, he’s left with $1700. Instead
of using this money to invest, save, or anything else that might be useful, he
wastes it on a couple of barbecues with friends and many other useless
liabilities. Are you a Peter?
Because there are unfortunately a lot of financially
ignorant people today, but the thing is if they can change a few bad habits and
develop a rich mindset, about anyone can become rich. There are no rich people
that are financially ignorant, except, of course, for those that got lucky, for
example, stumbling upon a large inheritance or winning the lottery. Yet,
statistics show that 70 percent of lottery winners end up bankrupt after a few
years of being rich? Why is that? Again, it all comes down to how financially
educated one is.
Let’s get started with the 4 most important rules of why financial literacy is important? Or of being financially educated.
Rule Number 1: Don’t Invest In What You Don’t Understand
Investing is very important, especially when you want to
multiply your money. Here’s the thing: you will never, ever, get rich long-term
by working for someone else. Start investing. There are many types of
investments, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and forex, to mention a few,
but I want you to know the single most important investment; and that’s in
1. Invest in Yourself Before investing in anything else,
invest in the development of your money-making machine: your brain. Getting the
knowledge necessary to operate a business (financial education included) is not
optional. Your industry and your niche are going to eat you alive unless you
are always updated on what’s going on. If you want to do so, you need to put
some money into your business in order for it to grow.
2. Invest in your business might be anything from marketing
to research or developing a new product.
3. Invest in Real Estate, real estate investing, like other
investments, are “buy low and sell high”.
4. Invest in stocks, stocks (or shares) are a part of a
company that is for sale to the public.
There are rules to follow, but equally, there’s a lot of
misleading information out there. Many people will scam you to take your money.
So you have to be very - very careful who you listen to, do heavy research
before putting your money into something new, or seek advice from a
professional in that industry, preferably someone with interest.
Rule Number 2: Debt Is A Powerful But Deadly Weapon
This one might be controversial, but the power of debt is
underrated. All those that know how to use it will thrive, while those that
fear it will miss a lot of opportunities. There is good and bad debt. Bad debt
is anything that you know you won’t be able to pay off, for example, student
loans. This is very painful, and it destroys the financial life of many people.
We shouldn’t ask 18-year-olds to make financial decisions of hundreds or
thousands of dollars, without considering the consequences, so be careful with
that one and only get in debt if you know what you’re doing. On the other hand,
good debt is the type of debt that you’re sure you’ll pay off (or you have a
plan to pay it off), and it will also make you money. If it all goes as
planned, you will pay off your debt and will be free to expand your business as
long as you’re always paying off your dues.
Rule Number 3: Think
Thinking rich is seeing yourself rich and acting rich essentially,
you’re playing the of a rich person, and this might include living above your
means. Living below your means is a defensive concept invented by financial
gurus that, mostly, is solid wisdom. I mean, we shouldn’t live way beyond what
we can afford, because this is how most people end up in serious financial
trouble. As long as you are disciplined and wise about what you’re doing with
your money, you have to also spend your money on things that give you
confidence and make you feel good. Instead of living below your means and
saving a penny here and a penny there, start gaining new skills that will make
you money to support your desired lifestyle.
Rule Number 4: Develop Skills To Gain Assets
Assets are things that put money in your pocket, while
liabilities are things that take money out of your pocket. Your brain is your
biggest asset, and you can develop it to be even more valuable. There are
skills that are very demanding in the marketplace, and they all have two
1. They bring a lot of value to the market
2. They make you a lot of money.
So, instead of working for someone else, start developing
skills that will help you generate income from nothing by delivering results to
the market. Figure out what best fits your abilities, and develop your first
high-income skills to resources necessary to get more and more assets.
Why Financial Literacy is important to help students?
Financial literacy helps individuals become self-sufficient
so that they can achieve financial stability. By being financially literate,
one can be efficient with their finances and hence achieve more goals and
maximize the value of their income effectively. This allows individuals to make
fewer financial mistakes that could have negative long term effects in the
Student loans
Student loan debt is almost as routine today as a car loan
or credit-card debt. Few college graduates leave school without some sort of
student loan to repay. Most students don’t ask if they’ll go to college, but
where they will go. And it may not be until a few decisions later that they
consider how to afford tuition. Years later, when school ends and real-world
living begins, the afterthought of student loans takes its toll and the bills
roll in.
How can you learn about financial literacy?
You can start off by getting as much free knowledge as possible YouTube videos, blogs, podcasts, and other free resources like budget planners, financial calculators, comparison tools, and free workshops and programs. You can also take it another step up and buy books, courses programs and even use mentors and experts, and the best way to learn about financial literacy is to take action and practice it.
Also, you could read everything you need to know
about investing in the stock market but if you don't actually invest, you're
not applying that knowledge, and making mistakes is another good way to learn
something so I would suggest that you learn as soon as possible. If you have
very little to invest but keep going at it for years, you'll make mistakes,
learn and gain experience but if you wait till you have more to invest, you'll
still make those same mistakes and it will cost you a lot more.
Financial literacy is the most important topic, money is
something we all need the more money we have the more freedom we have, and the
more money we waste the more time is wasted and money is the world's most
valuable tool because money gives your time back. So educate yourself on
financial literacy, so you can reach your financial goals and live the
lifestyle you always wanted.